This project was completed as an extension to an energy efficiency research and demonstration project for a multi-unit residential building that started in 2012. The research aims to understand how the deep energy retrofit that is currently in progress at the “Belmont” building compares to the energy performance under the Passive House “EnerPHit” standard, more specifically its heating demand standard, essentially the heat loss of the building. In addition, the research highlights what additional measures (if any) would need to be incorporated to achieve the standard. This project seeks to answer the following guiding research questions:
- What are the options available to reach an EnerPHit heating demand of 25 kWh/m2?
- What are ballpark incremental costs associated with these options?
- Are the options feasible given availability of equipment/technology and experience/skills of contractors?
Additional EnerPHit requirements, including the primary energy requirement (120 kWh/m2 primary energy), are beyond the scope of this study.