Originally constructed in 1986, the Peninsula Regent is a senior living residence with 207 suites and 20 assisted living units. As one of the first retirement communities in San Mateo, California, to combine upscale residential suites with long-term health care amenities, the building’s attractive exterior is one reason why the facility has been kept at full capacity over the years.

In 2017, the owners received several occupant reports of enclosure-related leaks. They subsequently hired our team as the building enclosure consultant to conduct a building enclosure condition assessment.

Following the condition assessment, we led the investigation to determine the extent of the leak-related damage within the exterior walls. Our team also led the efforts to make targeted repairs and to identify the typical details that could be reused for future renewal or rehabilitation work on other parts of the building. We continued our work with the owners in 2018 through the construction and post-construction phases. The existing face-sealed, undrained exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) was replaced with a new drained EIFS assembly that integrated a water-resistive barrier and through-wall flashings at the floor lines, all while maintaining the building’s existing architectural appearance.

The targeted renewal wrapped up in 2018. We are continuing to support the owners in developing a construction budget and phasing schedule for a future full-building rehabilitation.


May 3, 2019


Peninsula Regent

Our Role:

Building Enclosure Consultant

Key Services

Building Enclosure Condition Assessments and Investigations
Renewal and Rehabilitation
Design Development

A building enclosure condition assessment (BECA) and investigation may be required when an enclosure is suspected of having a problem, such as a leak. A BECA report describes either the current condition of the overall enclosure or specific components, such as windows or a balcony, and aims to identify problems or potential problems. If we detect failures, we will recommend the next steps that may lead to repairs or a renewal.

Our team will review the original building drawings, carry out an owner survey, and then spend time onsite visually reviewing various components of the building enclosure. In addition, we will make exploratory openings to assess the condition of hidden components. Our team may use a range of testing and special analysis techniques, such as thermography. We provide a written report of our findings and recommendations and present them at meetings with the owner group.

Colin Shane | M.Eng., P.Eng., PE

Regional Director – US West, Building Science Specialist
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