RDH Building Science is proud to offer annual scholarships to students completing their research based master’s or doctoral degrees in building science.
Each scholarship is worth $2,000 per year. Scholarships will be awarded to coincide with each student’s program and research activities and there is an opportunity for the scholarship to be renewed for subsequent years.
A distinctive feature about this scholarship is the opportunity to be paired with an experienced RDH-er, who is available to help support your research through reviews, answering questions, recommending resources, and more. This connection with a building science professional provides access to deep technical expertise as well as real-life, practical insight that can help to further advance your research and connect you with industry.
Students who are enrolled full time in a post-secondary institute in Canada or the United States are eligible. Research topics must be in the field of Building Science and broadly related to the work that RDH does.
How to Apply
Applicants will be asked to:
- Submit an application
- Submit their resume
Key Dates
Applications are due by 5:00PM Pacific Standard Time on May 31 each year.
All applicants will be notified regarding whether they have been shortlisted by June 15th. Final award decisions will be made by the end of June.
Application Submission Details
Eligibility Criteria
Enrolled full time in a U.S, or Canadian post-secondary institution
- Research topic focus in the field of Building Science. Note that this is a broad field of study and includes but is not limited to engineering and architecture.
- Research topic must be of relevance and interest to RDH.
- Renewable for subsequent years based on progress reports to be submitted and presented yearly.
- Applications accepted at any time, and will be for one year periods beginning in September or January. Applications can be for the following September start as well (approximately 15 months from application deadline).
- Successful applicants will be required to submit a progress report and present their progress and results periodically.
Key Dates
- Deadline for applications for award is 5:00pm PST, May 31st.
- All applicants will be notified regarding whether they have been shortlisted by June 15th. Final award decisions will be made by the end of June.
Award Amount
- The award is $2,000 per student with the possibility for renewal.
Application submission should be a maximum of 10 pages, including appendices and attachments if any.
The following should be addressed in the application and the bolded titles should be used as the content organization for your submission:
Research topic title- Project Description
Description of research project. - Contribution to Building Science
Why is the research important, and what will contribute to the field of building science. - Contribution to Design & Construction
How will the research help the design and construction community? What is the benefit to industry? - Work Plan
Project work plan and schedule. - Other Funding
Identify other funding or in-kind contributions to the research project. - Other Information
Any other information relevant to the application. - Advisor Name and Contact Information
They may be contacted for additional information. - Cover Letter and Resumé
Will be considered as part of the application package.
Submit your application to scholarship@rdh.com.
Please submit a cover letter and an up to date resumé outlining your educational background, work and volunteer history, and other interests. The resumé is an opportunity to illustrate how you developed your interest in building science as well as previous relevant experience.
Should you need to connect with an RDH Scholarship Committee representative regarding your research proposal and your scholarship application, please email scholarship@rdh.com and clearly state your concern or question. A committee representative will contact you.